‘Inspiring Independent Learners with Jesus by our Side’

Healthy Me From Head To Toe!

19th - 23th June 2023

Our Sports week/Heathly me week, was celebrated in both glorious sunshine and torrential rain! We started on Monday with the classes in Ks2 taking part in 'Food and Mood' sessions, looking at how diet (especially at breakfast), can affect our emotions and energy across the day. Y4 also had a drowning prevention swimming session at Brio which was both useful and enjoyable. On Tuesday, Roger Pickering visited Y3 and Y4 to do first aid sessions around CPR. We got to work on dummies, including trying out defibulators. YR+5 took part in PE sessions with Andy Ault, and Y6 spent the afternoon with Sale Sharks doing rugby and transition work. The day concluded with the Y3/4 shooting stars event. Wednesday saw KS2 take part in a drug safety workshop, focusing on how to be safe with products that may be kept in different areas of the home. After school our Y6 girls were superstars at the girls football tournament. On Thursday Years R-2 got to take part in the 'Food and Mood' workshop and then it was preparation for Sports Day the next day. Despite warnings, the bad weather stayed away and we were able to round off our week with a lovely morning and afternoon of sporting competition on the playground and the track. Please check out our twitter and facebook feed for photos!

20th - 24th June 2022

After 2 Covid affected years we were final able to start moving back towards the busy Sports Week that we know. After school competition were still minimal but we were able to welcome visitors back into school to support the children with different areas of being active in mind and body.

On Monday Sam from Health Box visisted us and worked with all 7 classes doing mindfulness sessions, which was a great start to the week. On Tuesday we were lucky enough to be selected to take 10 girls from Y4/5 to a Euro 2022 event at Moss Farm. The girls were able to meet footballer Sue Smith and take part in some celebratory events as the womens team prepare for the competition this summer. Wednesday saw Rachel from Brio leisure visit us and deliver a useful and informative Water Safety Assembly. Thursday, Mark and Sarah from Health Box popped in. Sarah worked with Years R-2 taking about Oral Hygiene, and all the children were lucky enough to take home a little pack from their sessions too. Mark worked with Y3-6 looking at 'Food and Mood', with the children also able to do some food preparation as part of their session. 

On Friday we finished off with our whole School Sports Day, which was a great success. As well as these events, I know different classes also spent time looking at aspects of diet and taking part in daily activity challenges. A positive week for all!

21st - 25th June 2021


After last year's entirely virtual event with the majority of children still operating by remote learning, it was brilliant to  try and reclaim our themed week in some form. This year, School Sports Week, Healthy Me Week and Sports Day were all combined into the one week so as to allow the maximum in different activities. As well as our Sports Day (see Sports Day page for report), we had an intra school Sports Week. As competition between schools is still restricted, we instead had daily challenges that the whole school could engage with. These included a hoop shooting contest, a keepy uppy challenge, a healthy menu activity and a Change4Life aim. Children completed these in different ways and prizes were awarded in class for the winners.

Along side these events the children also took some time out of their days to look at being active and living a healthy lifestyle. This could have involved a Sports based DEAR (drop everything and read) half hour. Some work on diet, mental health, or on the value of sleeping and exercise.

Please see our social media feed for some of the activities that took place, and well done to all the children for embracing the themed week so well!

24th - 28th June 2019


Our Sports week this week was quite topsy-turvy, it began in bright sunlight, had two washed out days before finishing again in the shining sun! Throughout the week the children will have been having sports/physical/mental health themes to some of their work for example homework or in PSHE. Each class also had a visit from Sarah Colquitt, she is a mindfulness instrutor who worked with the children focusing on the theme of transition and moving on. Whilst some children were taking part in this the rest of the class were busy making healthy smoothies in class using our smoothy bikes! As with any good school we just had so much going on that these activities have spilled into the following week for some classes!

Also last week is a series of sports competitions for the children to attend. On Monday we took part in the Adventure run at Winsford Academy. A selection of children from KS2 had to overcome obstacles and challenges to complete a course working together as a team. Tuesday and Wednesday saw golf, tennis and rounders washed out but luckily some of these will be re-run and the Year 2 class had their multi-skills event a few weeks ago so as to accommodate all of them attending. Thursday morning was the turn of YR/1 who took part in a Balance Bike festival building on the balance bike work we have set up this year in school. In the afternoon Y5/6 children enjoyed a successful duathlon. Finally on Friday we were represented by KS2 in both Hockey and Tag Rugby tournaments with results awaiting. Hopefully this active week will continue to inspire children to be physically and mentally active for the rest of the summer and beyond! 

25th - 29th June 2018


What a week. In line with National school sports week we also held our own in house 'Heathly me from head to toe' week. In school we had a variety of events going on. Some classes took part in a session called 'Food and Mood' looking at how their diet can affect their behaviour and energy. We also had 2 smooth bikes on site. Each class had a chance to fill these up with a mix of fruit and veg then get peddling to create their own tasty and healthy smoothies. Finally we had two visitors in school as well, Holly and Sarah, who worked with all the classes for a mindfulness session considering how to look after ourselves both mentally and physically.

Outside of school we took part in a range of competitions with other schools in the area, some with pathways to finals, some without. On Monday we had the Y2 multi-skills festival, the Y3/4 Try it Challenge as well as the KS2 Adventure run challenge after school. Tuesday saw us visit Vale Royal abbey for a tri-golf tournament where our Y3/4 team came second and only just missed out on reaching the finals in Macclesfield. After school we also took part in the Y5/6 mini tennis festival. Wednesday, another scorching day, saw us win all our matches at the rounders festival at Leftwich High School. Thursday proved too hot for the duathlon to take place (currently being re-arranged) but we did have for the 1st time a YR/1 balance bike festival which was great fun. Finally on Friday we rounded of the week with another strong performance at the QuickSticks Hockey tournament over at St. Nicholas where we again won all our matches! Very proud of all the children for their efforts and spirit in some blazing weather!

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St Bede's Catholic Primary School

Keepers Lane, Weaverham,
Northwich, Cheshire

01606 852149


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