Easter Mass - He is Risen!
Holy Week - Stations of the Cross
Holy Week - The Journey
Lenten Fundraisers - Cake Sale; Easter Egg raffle; Guess the name of the Easter Bunnies and collecting 'Kilos of Copper' for the Diocesan Good Shepherd Appeal. Food donations to our local foodbank.
Ash Wednesday mass & Lenten reconciliation services - Lent begins
Shrove Tuesday - Years 5 & 6 Pancake making
RE Displays -Abba Father, Light of the World, The Good Shepherd, Prince of Peace
Advent - Reconciliation services, Advent trail & Crib Festival, KS1 Advent service
Remembrance Day 2018 - 100 years after Armistice
Other faiths - Visits to The Jewish Synagogue Manchester & Manchester and Chester Anglican Cathedrals
Harvest Celebration - Food donations for our local foodbank.
Month of Our Lady of the Rosary
First Holy Communion celebrations
Pentecost Assembly